Various Birds - Parrot bird became one of the birds that many observe, because bird Parrot has more value than other birds, birds in addition to have the shape and color of a nice feather, the bird can have a melodious voice, the bird is a clever animal, as well as uncountable bird parrot can also be trained to talk.
Bird Parrot is a bird that countless Government protected. Although the price is relatively expensive but the price is not a problem for the hobby of parrot birds.
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How to tame the bird Parrot
The tame Parrot bird will not be afraid of human beings, free from the pressure of her first again against man. In addition the tame Parrot Bird also think in the hold, can give to eat from our hands or could even nemplok in hand and our shoulders.
The shape of the bird cage Parrot
Bird cage Parrot cage-like covered less efficient for menjinakan bird Parrot cage in use, should open and rely on the chain as the bearer.
Parrot Bird Cage Position
If our very wild parrot bird, preferably placed in a crowded area and frequently go through family members. This is to familiarize our pet parrot bird against the presence of humans in the vicinity. Do not reverse, bird Parrot wild we placed in hidden places that would make her fear while on approach. If the bird Parrot we look scared or nervous, we recommend that you place in a somewhat high, and each week the cage position somewhat scaled back until it reaches its normal position.
How To Bathe The Birds Parrots
How to bathe the birds Parrots are usually with sprayed using the spray until soaked. No problem bird Parrot we are desperate to get there around the time sprayed. Totally drenched until shivering cold and not desperate anymore. Let the first out in the open, to the feather bird Parrot is somewhat dry. in the enter immediately into the cage also does nothing if we hurry, and hanging in its place.
There are several benefits of bathing bird Parrot up soaking wet, i.e.:
Speed up hunger. At the time of soaking wet bird Parrot can become hungry not only because of nutritional deficiencies, but rather the fact that we deliberately do not give of bird feed with regular or fairly, which in a matter of this bird really lack the whole nutrition. If bathing bird Parrot, then hunger just because he's too much carbohydrate burning to heat the body.
In the system to tame the bird, now soaking wet we can give a lesson. That although birds Parrots just may be silent, the man passed thatch around her is not a threat
Bird food Lory
When hungry, then bird Parrot will increasingly depend on us. In fact the weakness of pet birds is on her stomach at the time of giving food is a fitting moment to tame your Parrot. To avoid venomous bird pet we, awalannya we give food using tally marks. The longer the shorter the tally, to finally try to put food in our hands. If he starts brave he approached and eat from our hands, it's a sign he's starting to tame.
After the start of the familiar, try releasing birds Parrots yet with a rather heavy chains given supay he can freely but can not fly. If it's already up at this stage, the more please feed through our hands. Bird Parrot will gradually begin to rise into our hands, and can usually already called benign and won't fly.
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Taming birds parrots can indeed not easy. Sometimes the bird Parrot who originally started the sound, then suddenly a bit bogged down due to stress. There is also a bird Parrot feathers initially smooth be injured or damaged. However, measures how tame birds parrot above we can follow as well. Typically, if done well within 1 month of the bird Parrot wild we will become relatively more benign.