How to tame and train the birds beak bent with the engineering wing clipping

Various Birds - One way to tame and train the birds beak twisted (parrot) like the lovebird, cockatoo, cockatiel, parrots, parakeets, macaws and is to do a wing clipping. or cutting some feather wings. This method is helpful to control the way the flying bird, especially in narrow environments such as in room or in the courtyard. So far among parrot mania still different opinions as necessary and no wing clipping on labor bent.

If passerine more often enjoyed by her voice, crooked beak birds are generally kept for friends or companions at home (except for a lovebird and parakeets at once can be sound or ocehannya).

In addition as a friend/companion at home, bird parrot also has intelligence surpasses other bird species. They can be trained to talk, and memorize the visual symbol, so that you can tell the FAT or skinny, you high or Pug, and so on.
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But all this takes practice sustainability. In order to be able to exercise maximum results, the parrot must be tamed first. Well, wing clipping is considered a means of Taming birds parrot, to be more easily trained to talk or do various other attractions.

Cutting the wings can actually be done for all types of birds are able to fly, but all that should be taken into consideration first the benefits derived. If none of the benefits that can be learned, for what we have to do something in vain?

During this time, the application of wing clipping on crooked beak bird still addressed differently by parrot mania. Anyone agree, arguing it is very important for Taming and train it talk. 

The recommendations of the experts agree that bird of wing clipping 

Some bird experts approved the application of wing clipping, but with certain recommendations in accordance with the situation and conditions in the field. Here are some of their recommendations are compiled in Various Birds from a variety of sources :
  • We recommend wing clipping is only done for the birds that have yet to tame. For a bird that's been tame does not need to be done.
  • The birds undergo wing clipping do not stored in the cage daily every day, because this will eliminate benefits You do wing clipping. If the birds are kept in a cage, we recommend that you do not need to cut out a portion of its wings.
  • Birds that have already undergone wing clipping also does not need to be chained for being in the room or the neighborhood around the House. Because one of the goals of wing clipping is make him benign, can be invited to play in the home, or train it talk. If at home just chained, most wings do not need to be cut. The chain is only installed if the birds were invited to the streets outside the home.
  • If you do wing clipping on birds, the responsibility to provide a sense of security to the birds were on hand there is a fully. Do not let this method, after the bird left wandering outside the House, especially if outside wandering animal predators as cats, ferrets, dogs and so on.
What is the true purpose of wing clipping?

Wing clipping has been done decades ago, and recommended for the birds in the cage breeding, especially bird beak bent that included a rare category. This is the original purpose of the experts in the past introduced the method of wing clipping, i.e., so that birds do not blur or escape.

In addition, the cutting portion of the wing could avoid the risk of the bird wounded by hit a window, wall, and other injuries when they flew in a home environment that is not too broad.

Therefore, the method of wing clipping is usually done in urban areas, where construction of buildings in the city potentially could kill a bird. The bird that flew uncontrolled due to panic, for example, it is very easy to injury even death due to hit buildings, as lively now occur in Canada.

If the birds fly free in the House, then it is very likely they will crash into walls, glass, or other furniture in the room. By cutting most flying bird wings, how to become more subtle and he was able to control himself while flying, so it can reduce the risk of injury.
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Currently, the purpose of wing clipping becomes more widespread, that mempecepat the process of domestication and to train birds to talk half bent. This could increase the inner relationship between the nurse and owner/birds. Here's the beginning of a growing belief the bird against the owner/nurse, so the birds want to receive the entire training materials provided.

How to do wing clipping correctly?

Feathers on the birds used to fly, both flying high or low. Feather wings consist of several different types of parts and their functions. There are called primary feathers and the secondary feathers. The main wing feathers used birds to gain altitude while flying (flying high).

In addition, there are also several small feathers and smooth functioning as advocates of a bird when flying certain maneuvers, in the air, or are aerodynamic.

1. Cut the whole main wing 

By cutting the whole main wing feathers, means we eliminate the ability of birds to fly higher. But bird still can fly within low. This method can be done to the crooked beak birds such as macaws are large, Parrot, African Grey parrot, parrots and Parrot.

2. Cut a portion of the primary wing feathers 

This method just cut most of the main wing feathers, leaving a few strands only. In this way, the bird still has the ability to fly high or low, but the distance is limited. This method can be applied for the birds beak bent are small to moderate, such as cockatiel, Parakeet, Parrot, or kasturi.

Both of these methods will make the flight abilities of the birds become limited, so that it can be released in the room or in the courtyard. The birds will be more controlled in flight. In addition, the process of Taming and training becomes easier.
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To note in the bird, especially train after cutting the feathers of the wings are:
  • Always monitor the birds, or be near them. This is to maintain the security of birds from animal predators attack may come unexpectedly.
  • Do the exercises first in the room or the room. After the bird is really benign, can be trained outdoors or in the yard.
  • Keep dangerous fittings in the training room, such as a knife, crockery or other items that could harm birds.
See the recommendations of the experts of the bird on wing clipping, you can weigh yourself whether you want to apply this to the crooked beak of pets at home, with hopes of smart talk or birds could do certain attractions. Or, you just let the birds for what they are, though the bird becomes harder a benign and cannot be trained to talk.